Liturgy encompasses many ministries, such as: Proclaimers of the Word, Musicians, Acolytes, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, those responsible for cleaning the church, laundering the cloths, setting up the church environment and creating the powerpoint presentation.    In cooperation with each other, these ministries help the worshipping community fully participate in the celebration.

“ …with due regard for the nature and particular circumstances of each liturgical assembly the entire celebration is arranged in such a way that it leads to a conscious, active, and full participation of the faithful both in body and mind… to which the Christian people have a right and duty by reason of their Baptism. GIRM 18”

A liturgy team provides the structure that allows for definition of the tasks and methods for accomplishing them. It has a vital role in assisting the assembly to pray primarily at Sunday Mass but also at other liturgical celebrations. This is achieved through effective preparation and enhancement of the rites that encourage full, active and conscious participation by all.

Please consider this an invitation to anyone who would like to share their time and talents to enhance our Liturgy by participating in any of the ministries mentioned.

Megan Dwyer
Liturgy Coordinator