Parish Hospitality Team
We are a group of volunteers providing hospitality needs for community social activities within the Parish. These community events build friendships among parishioners and support the activities of other groups within the parish community.
We have an annual calendar of activities that includes having fellowship refreshments after all Masses each 1st weekend of the month, welcoming existing and new parishioners to the Parish and holding a Christmas Lunch for our seniors each year. We organise and host an annual multi-cultural food gathering and provide hospitality for the fund raising programmes and other activities that help people to come together and build relationships.
The group is presently led by two volunteers and a small committee with many other volunteers participating in our rostered events. Anyone who would like to be a volunteer and share their time and talents to enhance our Hospitality Committee activities is welcome. Please contact the co-ordinators for further details or if you are interested in becoming a volunteer.
Contact the parish for more information.